In this Lesson

I have learned so much from other manifesting videos, books, and podcasts. I want to break it down as simply as possible.

  1. Be sure of what you want

  2. Believe. This seems to be the hardest part for many because your beliefs have been made over decades. Understand that the results are going to take time and you have decided to be happy now.

    • Imagine you are waiting for your winning lottery ticket to process. I love this analogy because it truly puts you in the “feeling” place. You can really imagine the feeling of winning $500 million dollars. This is easy to imagine because we all know that thousands of people win the lottery every year. It is a statistical fact. Now imagine you did win that amount and you called in the ticket. Imagine you met with a financial advisor and decided to take the lump sum. You filled out the tax forms and am waiting for the $350 million to be wired into your account in the next 90-120 days. Think of the energy you would be walking around with. You would be on top of the world. The funny thing is that nothing has actually changed. You are not one penny richer yet. Your problems are still your problems but you are now in the state of knowing. That is the power of manifestation. You only know that the money will come because you believe in the lottery and the process, all in which you probably don’t know much about. The feeling of wealth is what makes you the upmost powerful. You are the creator of your universe.

    • Now imagine that you are waiting for your money and you get a bill in the mail. Your credit card is over the limit and you are getting charged interest up the wah-zoo. How would you feel? Stressed? Scared? Insecure? No. You would call them, let them know you will be paying the bill in full soon and relax. Why? Because deep down inside you know the truth, you are a millionaire. Even if the rest of the world doesn’t know that, inside you would think, “You can all just wait and see.”

    • This is exactly the approach you need to take when it comes to believing that your dream body is coming, it is on its way, and it is yours. When contradicting thoughts come into play such as:

      • This dress doesn’t fit! I feel so big! I don’t want to go to this event! Shouldn’t I be smaller already?! You are now sending out mixed signals to the universe. You should be able to brush these off with the ease of knowing you already have your dream body lottery ticket and you just need to be patient and wait for the paperwork to process it.

  3. Take inspired action

    • This is the part that most people think is the “work.” I disagree on this aspect. Action is a physical or mental act but the word work implies difficulty or struggle to achieve. This is not the case with manifestation. When following your desires it will seem easy or worthy of your efforts. Think about spending time or doing something that you love. Sometimes this costs money, time, or effort to achieve. However; When your desire to act comes from the soul, it does not feel like work for one moment. An example of this would be going on a fantastic date with someone you desire. You may have to get ready, sit in traffic on the way, and sacrifice spending time with friends to see them. Does this feel like labor? Not at all. That is inspired action.

  4. Stop checking to see where your manifestation is.

    • This next step is so important because it outlines your day-to-day living that we all habitually return to. I was once victim to constantly checking the mirror to see where I am at with my body transformation. Doing this with the scale is even worse. When you check on your manifestation every single day you are telling the universe that you do not trust in it to deliver. You are sending desperate energy.

  5. Be happy now.

    • The moment you start enjoying your life, everything changes. Just like when you realize you’re falling in love with someone, the world seems like a brighter and happier place. It’s all about perspective.

Melanie, Guide


You have completed the first chapter of the program. I hope that you have enjoyed learning the mental changes you can make that will lead to the life you have always dreamed of. I added a new habit tracker below for you to work on to help you continue to practice your new way of thinking.


Habit Tracker