There is a joke that goes:

“As a woman if I was a therapist and my patient was depressed I would ask them if they have tried a spray tan…”

This is amusing but also an good point in my opinion. Putting some effort into yourself can make a world of difference.

Effort in yourself can be:

  • Styling and coloring hair

  • Manicure and pedicure

  • Eyelash extensions

  • Shopping for clothes that make you feel good

  • Facial

  • Massage

When you are putting time and energy into yourself you automatically change your subconscious thinking


The most vital step in self-care is caring for your thoughts. When you inevitably have negative thoughts about your appearance it is very important to disrupt this thinking to create new neuronal pathways. To do this you need to choose a statement that brings a neutral calming response. It can’t be anything to peppy positive to start because you may not believe it and it will bring up resistance. The statement I chose in the beginning was:

“Maybe…I am beautiful enough.”

Any time I would look in the mirror and maybe think my jawline looked to pudgy or my jeans were too tight to close, I said this to myself. Initially I would just start saying all the negative things and feeling upset but then I would stop myself in my tracks and say “Maybe…I am beautiful enough.” It would help me defend myself and remember that I am a beautiful woman in a neutral way. I never thought that this would actually work because my whole life I have felt that when I was bigger than I was in high school or my “skinny years” I never thought I could give myself a complement. In the beginning I still couldn’t. That is why it is so important to choose something neutral to disrupt the negative thought pathways. This is vital because you can never hate your way into your dream body. Taking this into practice will quantum leap your progress because change occurs from the inside out. When you stop the negative self-talk you reduce stress, emotional distress, and increase your overall happiness. All of these will shift you into physical change.

Not only will your body start naturally changing but you are learning to worship all that you are which will stay with you when you reach the number on the scale you so badly desire. Have you ever heard the joke, “I wish I was fat like when I thought I was fat before”? This is describing a time when you look back to when you thought you were so overweight and you realize you were absolutely perfect. This is because you have learned to judge yourself and be unsatisfied with anything less than flawless perfection in the mirror or camera. This means that if we don’t fix this now not only will it take longer to reach your goals but when you do you won’t have the full satisfaction and security that you would. So lets start feeling good right now and enjoy the road ahead.