My Story

Start simple, then you can get picky for sport.

We are going to get our bodies moving. Today.

If your goal is to get to the gym at a certain time 3-4x per week then going is not optional. Would you miss work? Just decide to skip? No, you wouldn’t because it is important for you to keep your job.

Get yourself to the gym and do anything. It does not matter what it is. Stretch, cardio, weightlifting, etc. I don’t care if you go there just to sit and play candy crush on your iPad. It is getting in the habit of going that you are practicing here, not the exercise itself. If you set the bar so low you will eventually raise it just to find something more interesting to do.

Don’t have a futuristic mindset. What I mean by this is that many times I would not want to wear a certain piece of clothing because I was “saving” it for a run later or that I didn’t want to waste time or money to go to the gym just to sit there. Nope. None of that matters anymore. Wear the pants, get to the gym, and stop waiting for the future events to come. There are so many unopened/unused things in my house because I was waiting for the right time to use them. The right time is now. Stop delaying your success.

***Break up with apple watch



You have completed the third chapter of the program. I hope that you have enjoyed learning how to work on your relationship with your body. I added a new habit tracker below for you to work on to help you continue to practice your new thoughts and actions.


Habit Tracker